Essays + Interviews

From break out bands to designers at the top of their game, I’m a well praticised interviewer that gets out of bed for weird, idiosyncratic and revelatory conversations with brilliant creative minds. I’ve had the pleasure of having a few. 

I write essays about cultural phenemona that belies a deeper shift or emerging truth.

Below are some of my favourite interviews and essays that I’ve written over the years. 

Twin Magazine

  • Cities in the Anthropecene: interview with Ihnji Jon about environmentalism in urban areas, paired with a photo essay by the photographer Paolo Zerbini. 

  • The process of gesture: Bianca Saunders and Saul Nash (interview). Chaired a conversation between two of London’s most exciting young designers. 

  • Ramla Ali: an interview with boxing champ in her local gym as she trained for her Olympic bid.

  • Interview with Leah Thomas, founder of the Intersectional Environmentalist 

  • Interview with SineadO’Dwyer